Atlantic Hurricane 2022

Forecasters predict another above-average Atlantic hurricane season for 2022

Atlantic hurricane season for 2022

Atlantic hurricane season is once again, likely to be more active than average. In early April, the Colorado State University (CSU) hurricane forecasting team released its predictions. Once the official hurricane season starts, CSU is scheduled to release forecast updates on June 2nd, July 7th, and August 4th.

The team predicts that 2022 hurricane activity will be roughly 130% of the average season from 1991-to 2020. By comparison, 2021’s hurricane activity was roughly 120% of the average season. The 2021 hurricane season had eight continental U.S. named storms and two continental U.S. landfalling hurricanes, including Category 4 Hurricane Ida. This storm affected the gulf regions particularly hard with punishing winds, followed by devastating flooding to the mid-Atlantic and the northeast.

Preparation is critical. We have all seen supply chains disrupted during the pandemic unfortunately, this further exacerbates getting critical supply post-hurricane. We can work together to define the needs before the emergency has taken palace.

Here at Vector, our team has lots of experience to help provide support. If you are in need of temporary shelter or command solutions, take a peek at our inflatable shelters.


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